



Graduate students are genuine asset to any university, because they will forever play a significant role for both – the University and their fellow students. Alumni of any University are not only family but amalgation of leaders and influencers. They are the most loyal supporters, effective voice and an international ambassador of their alma mater. The alumni concentration in Kuwait until a few years back had been relatively small, hence an informal type of association, normally led by one or two or more individuals used to gather socially from time to time. But with the passage of time, and a commendable increase, the need was felt for a formal association with elected office bearers and a set of objectives and news-letter.

The year 2016 proved to be a remarkable year, when this scattered association became an official elected body with a consensus of the general body of AMU Kuwait alumni through electoral ballot. The AMU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (AMUOBA), which thus came into existence, is an association whose members share common vision, mission, belief, values and traditions. The prime objective is to serve Educational, Social, Literary, and Cultural needs of the community. AMUOBA is a non-profit, non-political socio-cultural organisation based on secular and pluralistic character. In view of the officially structured group, it is time that we lay stress on developing relationship between all members of our alma mater, promote education and create opportunities.

The aims and objectives of this association is to work with inclusion of varied viewpoints for better governance and smoother delivery of results.